The picture pretty much says it all. I woke today, hearing Mason's voice calling "mommy, mommy, I'm awake". So, I rolled off the bed and half-awake walked to his room. When I opened the door I found him. Dressed. All by himself. Yes, he's been able to dress himself for quite some time. However, the stubborn factor seems to interfere more than his will to do it himself. I always enjoy going into his room when he's decided he'd get himself dressed. So, today was one of those days. He's dressed in sweats (his favorite), his wiggles shirt (another favorite...but backwards), and his tie. When he came bounding into our room at full speed, he announced, "I'm so cute". Yes, he is!
This afternoon it was Lauren's turn to be cute. Her class performed a play called "Ma
bella the Clever". The librarian (who doesn't speak english) has the 1st graders perform this play every year. Some kids have lines. Some don't. There was even a background "set". The kids designed their own costumes out of paper. Lauren was one of the mice. It was a bit chaotic - but the kids did great. Lauren was elated that Mark, Mason, & I could all be there to watch. Lauren can be seen on the far right with pink pants being a mouse!