Monday, March 31, 2008
It's just not right
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Maggie returns
1. Feed her 1/3 can of "special" (easily digested) dog food three times a day for 3-5 days. Then gradually switch to normal diet.
2. Give her the pain medication twice a day.
3. Don't let her jump or run. (Yeah, right, she's a lab!).
4. Watch the incision site.
5. Monitor for any vomiting or other symptoms.
6. Return in 10-14 days to have ALL NINE staples removed. (Good news - that's at no additonal cost!).
Monday, March 24, 2008
For dog lovers
Let me take you back a few days. Last Thursday, Maggie (our 5 year old black lab) vomited. I can’t remember the last time she vomited. That afternoon, she vomited two more times. So, I called the vet. They suggested I watch her closely. While I was on the phone with the vet, she also pooped. This was good news, as it meant she did not have any type of obstruction. She probably had a virus. Friday was a good day. No vomiting. Saturday she vomited again – but only once. All the while she was her normal self. Sunday I fed her white rice at around 1:00. Last night at around 11:30pm, Mark woke me up. Despite his CPAP machine, he heard Maggie vomit. She vomited in the bathroom, hallway, and kitchen. So, at 11:30, we were cleaning up the mess.
That brings us to today. This morning I withheld food. Maggie was just as energetic and playful as any other day. I checked the yard and she had a few normal poops I needed to clean up. I decided it was time to go to the vet. I got a 9:30am appointment. So, after dropping off the kids, I took her to our vet. Upon examination, she was “guarding” as he pushed on her abdomen. He suggested an x-ray to rule out an obstruction. I agreed. A few minutes later, the vet asked me to come back to see the x-ray. He explained that there was a foreign body in her stomach. You could see it, but couldn’t tell what it was. He advised surgery. I asked him to talk with our regular vet to confer. Awhile later, the vet explained that our primary vet agreed that surgery was necessary.
The unfortunate thing was that Mark was unavailable – on a plane again this week. I couldn’t even call him for his advice! The vet explained that surgery should be done as soon as possible, or the objects could move to the intestines and cause a blockage. If this occurred, it could kill part of the intestine – which would be even more costly to repair. Unable to reach Mark, I decided to give them the OK for surgery. I couldn’t agree to kill her. She’s a healthy, young dog who is great with the kids. What would I tell the kids if she died from a fixable problem?
Maggie came through the surgery well. We went to visit her this afternoon. When we arrived, she was outside walking on the grass with a vet assistant. She had a “hep-lock” on her left leg; a shaved abdomen; and staples up her belly. The kids were ecstatic to see her. Another vet assistant came outside to talk with us. He brought a ziplock bag full of blue plastic chunks. The bag was FULL! This was the foreign object from Maggie’s stomach. Lauren and I both confirmed it was the blue plastic ball. From what I can recall, the blue plastic ball was played with on March 5th when the Girl Scouts were over. They played in the backyard with Maggie and the ball. Sometime after March 5th, Maggie must have eaten the ball.
Hopefully she will come home tomorrow. The vet said she'll come home on pain medication and a bland diet. Good news, is that they do have a payment plan.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Things you can get done in 3 short hours
1. 8:05am - Go to doctor's office and pick up two prescriptions for Mason.
2. 8:30am - Go to Starbucks. This is mandatory.
3. 8:47am - Go to Lauren's school. Walk her in. Pick up Jack to babysit him while Meghan is at work. Listen to Jack tell me he's not going to swim. He'll just sit on the stairs. Tell Jack that I'm not going to talk about it and he doesn't have to worry, since he had such a good time last week.
4. 9:15am - Arrive on Mercer Island for swimming. Met at the car by Colt, the swimming teacher. Informed that swimming was cancelled for today as he needed to close the pool and add a bunch of chemicals (probably not an ideal time to toss the kids in the pool, I guess)! He tells Mason and Jack that the pool is "broken" today. Once the car door is closed, Jack beams from ear to ear that he doesn't have to swim.
5. 9:30am - Arrive at Nordstrom. Take the escalator (boy's choice) to the top floor. Have Mason try on a few pairs of shoes, since his feet actually grew. Jack even pretends to model his crocs while Mason models tennis shoes. Buy shoes. Leave via elevator (boy's choice) with only one balloon for Mason. Jack said he didn't want a balloon since his brother popped the last one.
6. 10:05 - Arrive at Whole Foods. Balloon is "flown up to the sky" by Mason (by choice). Watch balloon rise. Grocery shop. Pick up free samples from the bakery to keep the tots happy.
7. 10:30 - Leave Whole Foods.
8. 10:40 - Arrive at Appliance distribution center. Pick up microwave.
9. 11:00 - Arrive back home.
10. 11:05 - After boys start playing, unload microwave. Unpack groceries. Check messages. Check email. Post this blog.
Oh, and the afternoon is looking bright too. Girl scouts. Dinner. Church. Big Brother. Sleep.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Special needs
Lauren: My brother (with a "duh" look).
Lauren: Their brother or sister's special needs.
Mason: Ice cream!