Forward to today. March 31st. Today was Opening Day for the Seattle Mariners! The kids & I were dressed in our Mariners garb from head to toe...or at least head to ankles. We were actually dressed in many layers (since we woke to about 1 inch of snow yesterday). I picked up Lauren from school early and off we went to the game. It took us well over an hour to get there. Once we arrived at the parking, the sign said it was full. Ugh. So, we started to drive to find another parking lot near the stadium. As we waited to turn into a different lot, the stadium parking opened. We quickly pulled in and found a place - and "only" paid $30. 
Once at the game we hiked to our seats. It was about 2:45 and game time was less than one hour away. There were plenty of opening ceremony events to keep us entertained. The Husky band, miscellaneous awards, etc. Then it was time for announcing the 2008 team. Unfortunately for us, we were seated right near where the fireworks went off. There were extremely loud! Enough for small children to burst into tears. Once the team was lined up on the 1st base line, I was sure the "booms" as Mason called them were over. Well they weren't. When the starting line-up was announced, the "booms" started again. Finally, they ended. Luckily, no more "booms".

It was now time for the game. Both kids were fabulous. I brought snacks so we didn't have to buy food. They didn't beg, complain, or anything else. They were great! We enjoyed watching, despite a home run from Texas in the first inning. They cheered, clapped, and danced.
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