Friday, March 14, 2008

Nap time

I know I cannot complain.

Kid #1: She pretty much refused naps from the time she was born. The 45+ minutes it would take to get her sleep just wasn't worth the 30 minutes she actually did sleep.

Kid #2: He LOVED his naps. I was ecstatic that he slept! He was on a feeding schedule when he came home at 3 weeks old. We truly had to set an alarm in the middle of the night to wake up and feed him. It was wonderful! Naps were welcome. Naps were routine. From time to time, he would actually tell me it was nap time. I loved nap time. It meant at least 2 hours of "no kid" time.

Well, at age 5 1/2, nap time has come to an end. I am distraught. For the past few weeks, naps have been hit or miss. I have bribed him to sleep with cookies, ice cream, toys, and T.V. These "rewards" (or bribes) have not been so appealing lately. So picture yesterday. I put him down for his nap. He informed me he was not napping. I closed the door. Next thing I knew, I heard him playing with his toys. So, I went into his room. He had opened his curtain and was content to play on the floor. I put him back down again. Not 5 minutes later, I hear him yelling "baseballs. I have baseballs".

Upon opening the door, I realized WHAT baseballs he had. The baseball WALL BORDER from above his room, which he tore off the wall. Needless to say, there was no nap.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

Weren't those the glory days when they asked to nap? Jack used to be the same way; we'd be out and he'd ask when we were going home to nap...
I wouldn't mind so much if SOME people would stick to the 7:00 bedtime!
But yes, Jack napped for 3 1/2 years, Thornley 2 (and that was car induced!!) and now I'm the only one who wants an afternoon nap!