Saturday, July 26, 2008

Anniversary eve

What do I want for my anniversary? The question has been asked many times over the past week in anticipation of our 12th anniversary tomorrow.

After much reflection, I have it figured out! No, not a massage. Not a pedicure (although I do need one). Not a shopping spree (the kids need clothes more than I do). Here's what I want (aside from a bark collar for the lab & blinds for the family room window):

To come home to a cleaner-than-I-left-it house! This means I want to come home, lay down, put my feet up, and not worry about what needs to be done (because it's all done). I'd like to just hang out. Watch a movie. Scrapbook (which I'm way behind on). Sit. Read a book. Just have time to do whatever I want and know that everything is done (and not just waiting for me to do it). See, if I was to take time to do "whatever I wanted", those other tasks would still be waiting for me. It's too hard for me to relax and unwind if I see the "to do" list just growing, instead of shrinking! And, when the tasks are actually completed (and I cannot remember the last time everything was done & I was able to truly relax), I'm just too stinking tired to do what I want!

So, tonight, I've done 2 loads of laundry; cleaned the bathroom (for the 3rd time this week - it's truly been filthy since the kids have been playing outside all day); changed Mason's sheets; cleaned his room; put clothes away. C'est la vie!


knittingqueen said...

you mean your husband is going to hire you a housekeeper?! That is so incredibly generous of Mark to do that for you. I believe he gets Husband of the Year for that one.

Meghan said...

clearly you need some rest and relaxation - you're delirious!!